Archive | 3:50 am


3 Aug

3 August:  state #1

Today I landed in the US.  I was greeted by an immigration official who didn’t smile and stopped by a customs officer who claimed I had  “suspicious eyes”.  Undeterred, I soldiered on.

The drive from the airport was not a pretty one.  Indeed, the factories on either side transported me to the heady days of my organic chemistry youth.  We approached the city from the west (my subconscious providing a wonderful soundtrack) and I soon arrived at my home for the next year – Philadelphia.

After a quick shower (and a drama involving a misplaced suitcase and laptop, payphones, an operator who couldn’t understand my accent,the US Army and the lovely folk at the Sheraton) I left to meet an acquaintance at a famous local haunt, The White Dog.  After the day’s 32 degree heat, the evening was balmy.  I enjoyed a stroll through the campus, passing its hibernating buildings and the statue of its founder, Benjamin Franklin.

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